Hole in my plot

Lets write a book
how hard can it be, 
it's all words we learned
In a clever assembly
So I sit down to write
imagination is firing
I fill up a journal
with barely readable writing

I sit at my desk
the cursor is blinking
The start needs some thinking
What's on twitter
What's in the news
A day passes by
My cursor winks like it knew

So I'm Reading the masters
other published works too,
I'm writing in ink pen,
 filling notebooks, 
Scrap paper,
I'm writing flash fiction
 on the wall of the loo.

I'm Writing on twitter,
fixing my blog, 
Some writers write books
 while stroking their dog,
Cats asleep on the lap
Fresh coffee in the pot
I think there's a hole in my plot

Find your voice

The promise of a better life

Should be incentive enough

But what if your current one

Holds you back, and stops your runs

You are plagued with insecurities

About the words that you play

Always jealous; looking at someone else

Then you've lost another day

You spend hours wrestling procrastination

Pulling your hair, fighting your mind

Wondering why the page is still blank

Failure blamed on distractions still undefined

You've spent hours scrolling your timelines

As your inspiration further wanes

Your desire to create that work of art

Is getting lost in the mist of rage 

So you lash out at those closest

As another days work is lost

This lack of work though troubling 

Comes at a personal mental cost

You crawl back inside yourself

shut away, where no one can see

As your distractions begin to fall away

You find your voice, find poetry.


 “Where did you put it?” Dosan was frantic, as he turned the room over looking for the stash. “Back in the hollow, same as always” “Well it...